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Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Deccan news had this article on non-violent booth capture technique being used in the current Lok Sabha elections.
“Padma phula chhada jahare chhuinle current mariba (If you press any button other than the lotus-marked button, you will get an electric shock)” — this bit of misinformation was circulated in the area dominated by the illiterate Kandh tribe before the first phase of elections on April 20.

The BJP workers allegedly warned, “If you do not get an immediate shock while pressing the wrong button, there is every possibility of experiencing pain afterwards. You will get a severe ache in your arm after 15 to 20 days that may incapacitate you.” Another warning floated among the ignorant tribals stated, “Your hands will swell and you may not be able to go for daily labour.”
it can happen only in INDIA :-)


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